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There are many different ways of making Melktert. The one method is to cook the filling on the stove and add it to a prepared crust. The other is to bake it in the oven together with the crust.
A crust can be made from “Tennis” or “Marie” biscuits, although the traditional way is to use a pastry dough crust.

The traditional filling is made from milk and eggs, so basically a custard. More modern versions use starch (Maizina) and some even use Condensed milk.
You can also make milk tart in a microwave oven.

See our page about baking substitutes for more information about Maizina

Yvette se Melktert

Yvette is n bobaas bakster, en het die resep met ons gedeel


  • 125g botter/margarine
  • 2 koppies (500ml)  Meel
  • 50g Suiker
  • 1 Eier


  • 1Lt melk
  • 125g margarine/botter
  • 85g suiker
  • 30g meel
  • 50ml Mazina (cornstarch)
  • 4 Groot eiers
  • 2t vanielje
  • Fyn kaneel  

Oond 180 C

Room die margarine/botter, eier, en suiker
Sny die meel in met n mes.
Druk dun lagie in ‘n bak.
Bak blind vir 15-20 min teen 180C.

 Kook melk en margarine/botter.
In n aparte bak, klits die suiker, meel, mazina, eiers saam.  
Haal die melkmengsel van die hitte af en roer die meel mengsel daarby
Kook stadig tot dit dik word, klits dit voordurend met die hand.
Haal die mengsel van die stoof af en voeg die vanielje by, roer, gooi in gebakte dop.
Sprinkel kaneel oor en laat afkoel.

Korslose Melktert


Korslose ongebakte melktert uit ń 1987 Huisgenoot
Ek het n beskuitjie kors gebruik vir so bietjie ekstra smaak


  • 1,5 l melk
  • 4 eiers
  • 250ml suiker
  • Sout
  • 5ml vanilla essens
  • 150ml mielieblom (Mazeina – Speisestarke in Duits)
  • 125ml koekmeel
  • Kaneel
  1. Laat melk stadig opkom tot kook.
  2. Terwyl melk aangaan – klits eiers en suiker tot sponsagtig dik en lig.
  3. Gooi sout, vanilla, mielieblom en meelblom by eiermengsel en klits goed saam tot glad.
  4. Wanneer melk kook, draai af na lae hitte, gooi eiermengsel by en roer aanhoudend.
  5. Laat dit goed maar stadig deurkook en roer aanhoudend.
    Wanneer klaar deur gekook is, as daar klontjies is is, klits vinnig weer deur en gooi in bak.
  6. Sprinkel kaneel bo oor en laat afkoel.
  7. Laat natturlik afkoel voor dit in yskas gesit word, anders “sweet” die kaneel af.

Milk tart by Kerry Mayer

This recipe makes 2 milk tarts in a 20cm pie dish


  • 125g butter (at room temp)
  • 125ml sugar
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 500ml flour
  • 10ml baking powder


  • 1 litre + 125ml milk
  • 30ml butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 200ml sugar
  • 40ml flour
  • 40ml Maizena


  1. Cream sugar and margarine
  2. Add egg and mix
  3. Sieve flour & baking powder
  4. Mix wet and dry ingredients until you get a dough.
  5. Line dishes with dough mixture (fairly thin lining) bake until golden brown.


  1. Separate 2 of the eggs
  2. Mix 125ml milk, whole egg, 2 egg yolks, sugar, flour & maizena together.
  3. (known as milk mixture)
  4. Whisk egg whites until points form.
  5. Bring 1 Litre of milk and 30 ml margarine to the boil. (This can be started just prior to
  6. whisking egg whites)
  7. Once the milk has reached boiling point, add the milk mixture, stir continuously
  8. to prevent lumps from forming. Bring to the boil.
  9. Remove above from heat, add the egg whites, (I always whisk the whites in)
  10. NB it may appear to have small lumps, not to worry, it’s the whites and will not
  11. affect the finished product.
  12. Pour into crust lined dishes and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  13. Once the tarts have cooled, place them in the fridge.

If you prefer to have a thinner crust use less dough and the remainder of the crust can be rolled and pressed to make cookies.

Charlene's Milktart

2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
250g butter (cold)
1/4 cup ice water
1 egg yolk

4 cups milk
3/4 cups flour
10 tbsp sugar (can even do 7 or 8)
4 eggs
1tsp salt
3 tbsp butter
1,5 tsp vanilla essence

Sift flour, and salt.
Grate butter and rub into flour mixture.
Whisk ice water and egg yolk foam, mix lightly into flour mixture.
Place dough in the fridge to cool.
When it is ice-cold, press dough into a pre-buttered tart pan (I used 28cm diameter) and place it back in the fridge while you make the tart filling.

Pre Heat the oven to 180 C
In a medium pot, heat 3 cups milk on stovetop, medium heat. Separately sift flour, and mix with sugar, 1 cup milk and salt. (Make sure there are no lumps!)
Stir flour mixture into warm milk and simmer till cooked and thickened up, custard texture. Keep stirring regularly to make sure no lumps. And medium heat to not burn the milk!!
Separate eggs: Whisk 4 egg yolks and mix with a little warm milk mixture before adding all into the pot and mix well.
Add the butter and keep stirring till all melted, also add vanilla. Take the mixture off the stovetop. Whisk the egg whites well but not dry, and lightly fold (not whisk) into the milk mixture.
Pour filling into the tart pan.
Bake in pre-heated oven for 45min or till light golden brown crust+filling.
Let it cool down and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon or cinnamon sugar mix.

Mikrgolf Melktert

  • 1 blik kondensmelk
  • 2½ blik koue water (gebruik kondensmelk blikkie)
  • 1 koppie melk
  • 4 eetlepels hoogvol Maizena
  • 2 eiers
  • 1 eetlepel botter
  • ½ t vanilla
  • Pakkie tennis beskuitjies
  • Pak beskuitjies in bak.
  • Meng die kondensmelk, water, ½ kop melk
    en botter.
  • Mikrogolf dit tot amper kokend.
  • Klits eiers & melk, maizena
    en roer goed.
  • Meng die eier mengsels by die kondensmelk mengsel in.
  • Klits met klitser tot
    goed gemeng.
  • Mikrogolf tot dik. Klits tussendeur
  • Voeg die Vanilla by.
  • Gooi in oor tennisbeskuitjies in die bak
  • Sprinkel Kaneel bo-oor.

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Bread Recipes

You can read about the different types of Flour on our Baking ingredients section. Take note that the baking powder in Germany is single acting.

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Rusks / Beskuit

You can read about the different types of Flour on our Baking ingredients section. Take note that the baking powder in Germany is single acting.

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You can read about the different types of Flour on our Baking ingredients section.

Take note that the baking powder in Germany is single acting. The baking powder is South Africa is double acting. You can also read about this on the above-mentioned page.
Bran is called die Kleie and can be bought in supermarkets.


Oven 160 degrees

1 kg self raising flour or 7 cups of all purpose flour and 7tsp of baking powder.
750ml bran flake (crushed) – see where you can find this here
1tsp salt
1 cup sugar
500g butter (baking type)
300ml milk
3 large eggs

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt add sugar and bran flakes.
Mix in butter until mixture is like “bread crumbs”
Whisk milk and eggs, add to flour mixture.
Mix well.
Press into baking pans cut into pieces with sharp knife and bake for 45min.
Once done, put onto drying rack and dry out in oven (50 degrees) over night.
Submitted by Yvette Antoinette von Solms

Buttermilk Rusks

Zwieback Rusk (Beskuit)

1 kg Mehl (405)
15 ml Salz
200 ml Zucker
250 g Margarine
560 ml Buttermilch
2 Eier
25 ml Öl
30 ml Backpulver

Backofen vorheizen 180 °C
Backzeit 45 Minuten

1 kg Flour (405)
15 ml salt
200 ml sugar
250 g margarine
560 ml Buttermilk
2 eggs
25 ml oil
30 ml baking powder

Pre heat oven to 180 °C
Baking time 45 minutes

Mehl, Backpulver, Salz, Margarine zusammengeben.
Schlagen Eier, Zucker, dabei Öl und Buttermilch.
Fügen Flüssigkeiten zu trockenen Zutaten und gut mischen.
Verwenden Sie einen Ofen Servierpfanne Verwenden Sie Margarine zum Einfetten der Servierpfanne Dies ist die Mischung Kleben an der unteren verhindern.
Den Teig in der Ofenpfanne glätten auf die gleiche Dicke.
Backen Sie für 45 min.
Aus dem Ofen nehmen und abkühlen lassen.
Reduzieren Ofentemperatur auf 90 °C.
Nach dem Abkühlen schneiden und legen Sie wieder in den Ofen (90 °C) zu trocknen.
Schließen Sie nicht die Backofentür vollständig, lassen Sie die Feuchtigkeit entweichen. (A Kochlöffel in die Tür funktioniert gut).

Mix flour, baking powder, salt, margarine together.
Beat eggs, sugar, add oil and buttermilk.
Add liquids to dry ingredients and mix well.
Use a oven pan. Use margarine to grease the pan.  This is to prevent mixture from sticking to the bottom.
Put the mixture in the oven pan and smooth out to the same thickness.
Bake for 45 min.
Remove from oven and leave to cool.
Reduce oven temperature to 90 °C.

Once cool, cut and place back into the oven (90 °C) to dry out.  This can take up to 5 hours.
Do not close the oven door completely, let the moisture escape. (A wooden spoon in the door works well).

Submitted by Yvette Antoinette von Solms

Karringmelk beskuit

9x250ml volkoringmeel
4x250ml koekmeelblom
45ml vlapoeier
25ml koeksoda
15ml kremetart
20ml sout
500ml suiker 6x250ml (1.5liter) karringmelk
500ml olie
60ml druiwe asyn

Voorverhit die oond tot 180C. Spuit twee groot broodpanne van 34x11x7cm met kleefwerende
kossproei of smeer goed met botter of margarien. Sprinkel ‘n bietjie volkoringmeel
op die boom en teen die kante van die pan. Sif die volkoringmeel, koekmeelblom, vlapoeier,
koeksoda, kremetart en sout saam in ‘n groot mengbak. Voeg die semels wat in die
sif agtergebly het, weer by. Voeg die suiker by meelmengsel en meng goed. Meng die
karringmelk, olie en druiweasyn en voeg by. Meng goed deur met houtlepel. Skep in
voorbereide panne en maak gelyk bo-op. Bak 1 uur lank of tot gaar en ligbruin van
bo en totdat ‘n toetspen skoon uit die middel van die beskuit kom. Laat effens afkoel
en keer uit of draadrakke om heeltemal af te koel. Sny in stukke en droog uit by
100C. Lewer ongeveer 110 stukke


375g botter of margarien
470ml suiker
4 groot eiers
4x500g bruismeel
15ml anys
10ml sout
2.5ml kremetart
1 liter kookmelk

Smelt margarien of botter en suiker, laat afkoel en klop eiers by.
Sif droë bestanddele
saam en voeg saam met die kookmelk by eiermengsel.
Voeg anys by en maak aan tot ‘n deeg. Laat 5 minute staan.
Rol in balletjies en pak teenmekaar in 2 gesmeerde broodpanne van 220x120mm.
Bak vir sowat 1 uur in voorverhitte oond by 180C tot gaar.
Laat afkoel en droog beskuit

Neut en saad beskuit

550g bruismeel
15ml bakpoeier
250g Nutty Wheat
500ml geroosterde muesli
50g gekapte pekanneute
50g gekapte okkerneute
100ml sonneblomsade
50ml sesamesade
500g koue botter, in klein blokkies gesny .
100ml pampoensade
500ml karringmelk
380g suiker
10ml asyn
2 groot eiers

Sif die bruismeel en bakpoeier saam. Voeg die Nutty wheat, neute en sade by. Voeg die botter by en vryf dit met jou vingerpunte in tot dit goed gemeng is. Klop die karringmelk, asyn en eiers saam.
Voeg dit by die meelmengsel en roer tot al die bestanddele goed gemeng is. Verdeel die mengsel tussen twee broodpanne van 29x12cm.
Bak 50-60 minute lank in vooraf verhitte oond van 180C, of totdat mespunt skoon uitkom.
Haal die beskuit uit die panne en sny dit in stukke.
Verlaag dan die temperatuur tot 100C en bak dan die beskuit tot dit heeltemal uitgedroog is

Boere beskuit

750 ml melk
750 ml suiker
500 g botter of margarien
25 ml sout
3,75 kg koekmeelblom
3 pakkies kitsgis
1 liter water
3 eiers,geklits

Meng meelblom, kitsgis en sout saam. Kook melk, suiker, botter en water saam (oppas vir oor kook). Laat afkoel tot lou.
Voeg eiers by. Voeg melk mengsel by meel en meng.
Knie goed deur. (Indien ‘n bietjie styf, voeg nog melk by.).
Maak warm toe en laat rys vir ongeveer 1½-2 uur of tot dubbel die grootte. Vorm balletjies, sonder om af te knie, en sit in gesmeerde panne.
Laat rys op ‘n warm plek tot dit in grootte verdubbel het.
Bak vir 1 uur in ‘n warm oond (180 C). Net voor dit uitgehaal word, word glassuursel
opgesmeer. (Klits 10ml suiker met 12,5ml melk en smeer bo-oor.)
Sit terug in die oond tot dit blink en goudbruin is. Keer uit op afkoelrakke.
Sodra dit koud is, breek in stukke en droog uit in lou oond, 100 C vir ongeveer 5 tot 6 uur.


1 kg volkoringmeel
500 ml koekmeel
250 ml klapper
500 ml fyngedrukte graanvlokkies
200 ml pitlose rosyne
125 ml sonneblomsaad
55 ml bakpoeier
10 ml sout
500 ml suiker
250 g margarien, gesmelt
250 ml sonneblomolie
1 liter kookwater

Stel die oond op 180C. Meng al die droë bestanddele, behalwe suiker saam. Giet die gesmelte margarien in ´n ander mengbak en voeg die suiker, olie en kookwater by.
Meng. Voeg by die droë bestanddele en meng goed. Skep deeg in 2 gesmeerde broodpanne.
Doop ´n mes in warm water en sny die deeg in blokkies.
Bak sowat 1 uur, of tot gaar, in die voorverhitte oond. Laat effens afkoel in die panne.
Keer uit, breek in stukke en droog uit

Skurwe Abrahams

650 g koekmeelblom
15 ml kremetart
12,5 ml sout
400 g suiker
250 g botter, by kamer temperatuur
250 ml karringmelk
10 ml koeksoda
1 eier

Voorverhit oond tot 200C. Smeer ‘n rolkoekpan van 45x30x2cm of bespuit dit met kleefwerende
Sif die koekmeeblom, kremetart en sout saam. Voeg die suiker by en meng.
Vryf die botter met die vingertoppe in die meelmengsel in totdat dit fyn gekrummel is. Meng 25 ml van die karringmelk met die koeksoda.
Voeg dit by die meelmengsel.
Klits die res van die karringmelk en die eier saam.
Hou 25 ml van die mengsel om oor die beskuit te verf en voeg die res by die meelmengsel.
Meng goed tot ‘n deeg.
Verdeel die deeg in 8 ewe groot stukke.
Fatsoeneer elke stuk op ‘n meelbestrooide deegplank om ‘n wors van 28 cm en druk dit effens plat.
Sny elke wors in 4 ewe lang stukke.
Plaas die stukke effens uitmekaar in die pan.
Verf die oorblywende 25 ml karringmelk-en-
eiermengsel oor die beskuite.
Bak hulle sowat 30 minute of tot gaar op die middelste
Laat die beskuite effens afkoel, breek hulle oop en droog in ‘n koel oond uit.

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Here is a list of the most common spices and herbs with their Afrikaans, English and German names


Afrikaans English German
Borrie Turmeric die Kurkuma
Komyn Cumin der Kreuzkümmel
Peper Pepper der Pfeffer
Neutmuskaat Nutmeg die Muskatnuss
Naeltjies Clove die Nelke
Wonderpeper Allspice der Piment


Afrikaans English German
Pietersielie Parsley die Petersilie
Dille Dill der Dill
Roosmaryn Rosemary der Rosmarin
Lourierblare Bay Leaf der Lorbeer / das Lorbeerlatt
Salie Sage der Salbei
Tiemie Thyme der Thymian


Afrikaans English German
Aromat Aromat Knorr Aromat is available in major grocery shops. 
It also comes in packets
Colemans Mostert Poeier Colemans Mustard Powder Available in major grocery shops
Bief/Hoender aftreksel Beef/Chicken Stock There is a variety of options available
You can get it in the following:
– Blocks called Brühwürfel
– Liquid called Fond or Bouillion
– Set liquid called Bouillon pastös
– Powdered also called Bouillion
see more here

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1kg white bread flour
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp. sugar
10g instant dry yeast
60g butter, cut into small cubes
600 ml lukewarm water


Mix the flour, salt, sugar and yeast together.
Add the butter into the flour mixture, rubbing with your fingertips until mixture resembles crumbs.
Add the water to the dry ingredients to form a soft dough.
Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic.
Place the dough in a large greased bowl. Cover with cling wrap and allow to stand in a warm place until doubled in size.
Knead the dough again and shape into 12 balls.
Place them onto a greased pan and allow them to stand for a further 10 minutes.
Flatten the balls slightly and sprinkle with a little flour.
Cook over low fire for 10 minutes on each side.
Tap the ‘roosterkoek’ with your fingers and if it makes a hollow sound, it’s done.
Serve with your BRAAI… YUMMY

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You can use the search function to search for ingredients you need to find substitutes for.

One of the things to keep in mind is that the baking powder in Germany is single-acting. The baking powder in South Africa is double acting.

Bran is called die Kleie and can be bought in supermarkets.

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